Discourse Retort

Thanks, @cpradio.

I did but didn’t find anything related to retort:

I am with Communiteq (formerly DiscourseHosting) and they might not have that plugin installed. Is that right @michaeld?

Hm, from that code, it seems like you can just list the emojis that are allowed for retorts without affecting what is used by members elsewhere.


Click on Plugins, you should be able to see if it is installed.


Yeah, Iooked and it wasn’t listed in plugins and have an order for it to be added into Communiteq (formerly DiscourseHosting).

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I have the same problem as you did months ago. I just added emojis, today, March 13, 2018. Did you ever figure out a fix for this in your troubleshooting?

If I turn the retort limited emoji set off I get this cut off window which you cannot scroll down:

If I can just get my tailored list of emojis to work, I’m happy. Looks like it should work fine if go by this rule (Thanks, @gdpelican.):

Except I have 25 emojis but they aren’t forming 5X5 rows. Any ideas as to why this might be?


I can get 20 icons to work though, but then, the last emoji doesn’t appear and only a clip is displayed instead of an image If I do 20 emojis:

Should I be using this forked version, @schungx if I want to have neat rows, not be limited to a particular number of emojis, and fix the defect in the last (bottom-right) emoji that is invisible?

Has anyone tried this forked version of the plugin that Stephen kindly made?

I am having the identical issues that Stephen did, and am thinking of asking Communiteq (formerly DiscourseHosting) if they’d mind installing this version instead of the original. I have a message into Stephen as well. I guess what I want to know is if it works nicely.

Thanks, @lll (Joe) for helping me figure this out. I am posting here in case anyone else has problems.

  1. I logged out and in and that updated the emojis and cleared the cache.
  2. I exlusively used EmojiOne and (for whatever reason) that gave me the pngs in the correct format getting rid of the off-white backdrop.
  3. I plugged in Joe’s code and that set up my rows beautifully and I was able to input as many emojis as I wanted.

Here is the code:

Here is my beautiful chart of emojis:

Thank you, @schungx for helping me eliminate other possible explanations.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Add new coffee icon (same role as the love icon)

Not sure if you already found the repro steps for this yourself, but I noticed this bug too and after some testing this seems to be the way to reproduce this 100% of the times:

When adding an emoji reaction to a topic or post while your current page is translated to another language (for example using Google Chrome > Right click > translate page), a “bugged” emoji (:translated_emoji_name:) reaction is added instead of the actual emoji icon.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a topic or choose an existing one.
  2. Click the add reaction button.
  3. Right click anywhere (using chrome) and translate the page to any language you want.
  4. The :emoji_names: get translated, and when adding them it will post the translated text as an emoji reaction.
    Looks like this for the :heart_eyes: emoji when the page is translated into spanish:

It does not work for every emoji because not all the names get translated.

Hope this helps, if it was already answered/discovered then my bad for not finding it in this topic.

Latest update introduced some problems, a float: left; which broke hover pop ups and something is wrong with the placement.

.post-retort {
   background: #dfdfff;
   padding: 2px;
   margin: 2px;
   margin-top: 2px;
   border-radius: 5px;
   border: 1px solid #ccf;
   position: relative;
   outline: 0;

I fixed both problems with:

.post-retort {
    margin-top: 33px !important;
    float: none;

Thanks for the report; this should be fixed in the latest master.

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The positon: relative on .post-retort is breaking the layout for Android users on chrome, one of my members reported a margin on the right on Samsung Galaxy S3 and removing position: relative using the developers tools in Firefox fixed it

Edit: I changed it to postion: static !important

But breaks the hover…

I’ve narrowed it down to this…


The width on the last one in the row is creating the margin on the right even though it’s not visible until you hover…

Final Solution:

.post-retort__tooltip {
visibility: hidden;
display: none;

.post-retort:hover .post-retort__tooltip {
visibility: visible;
display: inline;
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Thanks for the detective work, I’ll have a play with your css and hopefully merge it into master in the next day or two.

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Amazing feature! Just one big request: The borders around the emoji are very obtrusive, especially in the dark theme. Thank you!

I’d suggest applying some custom css styles to your instance to taste. For example, to remove the border entirely you could do

.post-retort { border: 0; }

Thanks, do you know how/where I can add that line of code?

You should be able to do so by visiting <yoursite>/admin/customize/themes, then creating a new theme and entering that into the ‘Edit CSS/HTML’ field under ‘CSS’

Someone Should™ write a howto for this, although maybe I’m missing where that resource is :slight_smile:

I followed that exactly and it still has a light blue highlight border as usual :frowning:

It seems this was not answered? I’m pretty sure it’s not possible in the current plugin state, but it would be pretty amazing addition to the plugin.


Loving this plugin. Question, does it have to open in a lightbox? Any chance you’d be willing to throw in a feature to make it behave a bit more like Facebook? A couple examples…

Facebook Reactions JS

Facebook Reaction on Bootsnip

Gracias :slight_smile: