Discourse vs others such as NodeBB

We create Alliances. Each Alliance would have its own sub-forum. These Alliances, when we Enjoin them, can do all the things needed to rapidly grow their Endeavor(s). Each such forum(s) would have content (mainly downloadable docs, videos, images), followers and discussions. Active followers may well want to become actively engaged in an Enjoined initiative. Enjoined initiatives would most likely have their own software - as appropriate for building something significant, getting it right and doing so on time. Forum credentials vary. Some are public, some are semi-private and some are ‘by invitation’.

Again, Many thanks for your help. An Example Alliance brings investors, folks seeking investment, together via our match-maker Alliances and Engineering Alliances.

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What you’ve described so far sounds quite doable with Discourse out-of-the-box. It just comes down to organising your content in the right way.

Is there a particular problem you’re trying to solve that Discourse doesn’t yet have the answer to?


Thanks Erland. We opted to give Discourse a 1 day whirl and assess it. Our first hoster selection ate up a lot of our time so we moved on to a 2nd hoster and “presto” its up and running. In parallel, I’m interested in feedback on IP Forums and Plush Forums - and in parallel comparisons with Discourse. I’ll post that.

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I’d be very interested to hear of your progress with this. I am seeking to achieve something similar in terms of empowering subsets of users within their own sub communities.

Happy to share ideas., client side code etc as it looks like we are operating in different markets.

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