DNS - NameCheap - Mailchimp - sanity check please

1. Mailgun

2. Namecheap and setting up DNS

It’s been more than 24 hours, DNS should be propagated by now?

From the troubleshoot post: Troubleshooting email on a new Discourse install

If you are using Mailgun, after you enter your DKIM and SPF records, you must visit https://mailgun.com/app/domains/YOUR.DISCOURSE.DOMAIN.com and click the “Check DNS Records Now” button. At the top of that page you should see “State ACTIVE” (in a calming green). If it says “State Unverified” (in a scary warning-yellow) Mailgun will not accept mail.

Even though I save stuff in Namecheap it is not propagating :frowning:

Tried this: DNS Checker - DNS Check Propagation Tool

HMMM… Any ideas? Sanity check too, maybe I’m missing something.

You have a few records that are incorrect.

  • The CNAME should be email vs email.islanddao.org
  • The first TXT record should be @ instead of islanddao.org
  • The second TXT record should be s1._domainkey instead of s1._domainkey.islanddao.org

The instructions are a bit confusing, but hope that helps.