Does anyone use the discourse narrative bot for new users?

Something I’d love to see could look like this:

This image shows a list of community-related features, including Onboarding, Badges, Login & Authentication, Notifications, Permalinks, and Trust Levels. (Captioned by AI)

And then, as @c12gene mentioned, have all the relevant settings in one place.

I had done a how-to on modifying the onboarding process before (Welcome new users with customized trust level promotion messages ) What I see makes this difficult is that there are multiple parts that play together, but they are spread out through the admin backend (system messages, discobot, default texts).

Another aspect that I find is complicating adjustments is actually the “discobot” as such. By now it feels a bit like an outdated gimmick overall and it even might cause confusion when having other/multiple ai bots on an instance. I could see it more helpful if this bot would just be presented as a plain user-tutorial feature.