Does discourse automatically remove inactive members?

I have a question regarding the membership controls? Recently the numbers for our site have gone down and I wondered if it was actually people leaving or whether inactive member accounts are deactivated?

The latter was included in an update recently.


See the Discourse 2.3.0.beta6 Release Notes


is there a way to reinstate or know who has been deleted? for our setup, the record of members was important for our mapping activities.

Deleted users should be logged, check staff logs.

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Follow up question. I’ve been doing some querying of our users. I am seeing users in our system that have not been seen in more than 2 years (730 days) and are at Trust Level 0, but were created before this upgrade. Am I correct in assuming that they are not part of of this feature because they existed before it was implemented?

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is it possible to query who is in the query to be cleaned up before enabling this function?

If a user created a post and is still at TL0, they still won’t be deleted. Having any posts exempts you from this deletion.