Enhancing appeal with image previews

Is there a way to make the upload more appealing in this window?

Instead of the text here, could we do something more professional, like showing a small preview of the uploaded image?

Ignore the AI Caption


Currently this is a markdown editor, so no.

There has been talk of an enhanced composer being built at some point and is on the roadmap I believe.


Oh cool, that would truly enhance the look :))

Of course, you could use the preview section on the right. But Discourse doesn’t have this kind of editor yet. There are some plugins that do a WYSIWYG editor, but most are broken.


Trix editor seems a great choice, oh yeah after your comment I just had a look at some plugins and you are right those are broken :slight_smile:

We’re actively developing a WYSIWYG / rich text composer which will render images and other formatting in real time so that it’s much easier to understand what your final post will look like without being a Markdown wizard.

Here’s a little sneak peek of how things are looking so far, expect more updates soon as we begin to test!


That’s a great step for ease of use.

Will it be a standalone library that can be integrated into other projects than Discourse?


Woohoo! It looks dope, eagerly waiting :))

Hope wysiwyg will live alongside current approach of having two separate windows for markdown and preview. I really dislike inability to see the actual markdown and syntax of a complex post.
Not-optional wysiwyg can be detrimental to users who are fluent in markdown and sites that allow bbcode and html in posts.


No, we aren’t building this as a standalone library. We are utilizing ProseMirror 's library to build the composer specifically for Discourse to support our unique features and formatting.

For now, we are building this editor as a new “mode” of the existing composer. Both modes will support Markdown — the new one just automatically renders it. The current editor will remain available for the time being, and we’ll figure out any long term changes we want to make there based on feedback from users like yourself.


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Discourse is now shipping an experimental WYSIWYG composer :confetti_ball:

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