Is it hard to implement a WYSIWYG editor in place of the current bbcode markdown post editor with live preview? I am really curious to know about this, I don’t mean a overly crammed up editor, just a normal WYSIWYG with bold italics smilies and underline options, ya also image upload and URL, I think around the same number of buttons as the current one.
@sam @codinghorror
(Michael Downey)
October 21, 2014, 3:26pm
Covered in more detail here (I searched for “WYSIWYG”):
I have some exprence in taking notes of math in the Editor: StackEdit , while the discouse editor (what’s her name?) is my first forum editor that support markdown and mathjax at the same time with perfect preview, it seems that there are still have some space to make it more perfect, compare with StackEdit:
a table of content guide of a rather length topic: in stackedit, we can just put a shortcode called [toc] to make a table of content with links
the particial render of mathjax is also qu…
(Sam Saffron)
March 12, 2025, 11:42pm
Discourse is now shipping an experimental WYSIWYG composer
We have been working on a new rich text editor mode for our composer so that it’s easier to write on Discourse. We’re now ready to start testing this mode out on Meta to get more feedback from our community on this feature!
Our implementation builds upon the excellent ProseMirror and its non-core Markdown module , using the module’s schema, parsing, and serialization definitions as the base for further Discourse-specific features.
This topic will serve as both a guide to testing the new compose…