Extended About Page

A simple theme component that lets you add custom html to extend the short site description on the /about page. So you could add more paragraphs and insert links, or images.

The component provides an option to enter custom html:

Screenshot from 2021-06-09 22-49-24

This content is added below the default site description on the /about page:

Screenshot from 2021-06-09 22-48-59

You can also hide the default site description by checking this setting:
Screenshot from 2022-01-13 11-21-40


What about adding a config option to include that css? Like: ☑ hide default description?


Ah yes, I already had added that setting some time ago… updated the first post now :+1:


This almost as neat as I’d hope it was - would it be possible to have opt in/out for Admins & Stats options as well? Many thanks.

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You can hide admins with Hide staff from /about page

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Unless I don’t get that plugin - I was thinking: do not show whole section Admins |& Stats not just some bits.

There is maybe a bit of confusion.

The component @Moin linked allows you to hide admin/mods from about page.

You would need to make a custom Theme component and add css that provides a condition.

Not the code but along thr lines of.

If not admin/mod on About page Stats display none.

If your good with css you can use your browser to identify the element to target.

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