Facilitate reply-as-new-topic in closed topics

I’m also interested in “reply-as-new-topic” in closed topics where the topic was closed automatically (due to timeout set in category settings).

For categories where staff has manually closed the topic, definitely doesn’t ever make sense to facilitate replies. But in cases where the timeout closed the topic, doesn’t helping new users reference the existing content on the topic provide valuable context for a new discussion?

This thread had a lot of relevant discussion

Even Sam himself suggested the same thing:

Maybe we leave the reply button on closed topics and have it flick open reply as new topic

But Jeff said:

I think that would be super super dangerous personally. Maybe only for tl2 users or higher.

I assume the danger here is perpetual discussion of topics that the staff has determined is inappropriate or not productive for the site.

Perhaps “closing” a topic due to expiration though is different than manually closing a topic as part of moderation… And if so, continuing the discussion in context may be appropriate.

What do you think @sam?