Find the users which are more likely to become TL3

Aaand… here’s the TL2 gap report:


-- Trust Level 1 users
tl AS (
    SELECT id as user_id, trust_level, last_seen_at
    FROM users
    WHERE trust_level = 1

-- Users seen in last 3mo + visits, posts read, reading time
pr AS (
    SELECT user_id, 
        count(1) as visits,
        sum(posts_read) as posts_read,
        SUM(time_read)/60 as minutes_reading_time,
        DATE(last_seen_at) AS last_seen
    FROM user_visits
    INNER JOIN tl using (user_id)
    WHERE DATE(last_seen_at) >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '3 month'
    GROUP BY user_id, last_seen
    ORDER BY visits, last_seen DESC

-- Topics replied to
trt as (
    select posts.user_id,
           count(distinct topic_id) as replied_count
    from posts
    INNER JOIN tl using (user_id)
    INNER JOIN topics ON = posts.topic_id
    WHERE topics.user_id <> posts.user_id
        AND posts.deleted_at IS NULL AND topics.deleted_at IS NULL
--        AND topics.archetype <> 'private_message'
        AND archetype = 'regular'
    GROUP BY posts.user_id
    ORDER BY replied_count DESC

-- Topics Viewed All Time
tvat as (
    select tv.user_id,
        COUNT(distinct tv.topic_id) AS topic_id
    FROM topic_views tv
    LEFT JOIN topics t on
    INNER JOIN tl on tv.user_id=tl.user_id
        t.archetype = 'regular'
        AND t.deleted_at is null
    group by tv.user_id

likes AS (
    SELECT user_id,
        likes_given, likes_received
    from user_stats
    INNER JOIN tl using (user_id)

SELECT  pr.user_id, 
        pr.last_seen as "Last seen",
        -- days visited: 15
        greatest(15-coalesce(pr.visits,0),0) as "Days visited gap",
        -- topic replies: 3
        greatest(3-coalesce(trt.replied_count,0), 0)  as "Topic reply gap",
        -- topics entered: 20
        greatest(20-coalesce(tvat.topic_id,0),0) as "Topic viewed gap",
        -- posts read: 100
        greatest(100-coalesce(pr.posts_read,0),0) as "Posts Read gap",
        -- time spent reading posts: 60min
        greatest(60-pr.minutes_reading_time,0) as "Reading time gap",
        -- likes given: 1
        greatest(1-likes.likes_given,0) as "Likes given gap",
        -- likes received: 1
        greatest(1-likes.likes_received,0) as "Likes received gap"

left join trt using (user_id)
left join tvat using (user_id)
LEFT JOIN likes using (user_id)

  pr.visits DESC