Font size recently increased on meta? (on desktop)

I was wondering: was the font size here on meta (with default theme) increased in the past one or two days? Things feel a bit oversized now (see screenshot).
Strangely, I see this only on desktop, but not on my iPads.


Yes, fonts are 1px larger now. This change was made here:

Generally 16px is the browser default, and this is considered a good starting point for accessibility. Minimum font size? | Accessible Web

If the smaller 15px size is preferred, this can be changed in a theme by adding:

:root {
 --base-font-size: 0.938em; // eq. to 15px
 --base-font-size-larger: 1.063em; // eq. to 17px
 --base-font-size-largest: 1.118em; // eq. to 19px

Is this why the codeblocks look a bit different too?

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Maybe but do you know what specifically is different?

Um… That’s harder to pin down. :slight_smile: I thought they were a different font for a bit. Or maybe bolder. They don’t seem as blended into their surroundings as they used to.

I remembered I haven’t updated my test site for a bit:


Ok, thanks! Then I didn’t just imagine that :slight_smile:

I think for the most part, it will just require a bit of time to get used to it. I do feel the entries in the thread list are a bit large now, though (according to Chrome, they are 18.4px).

And unfortunately, stepping everything down by one step in the settings is too small again. Maybe it would be worth having a more granular control? :thinking:
(as you say, on sites I control, I could adjust the theme, but on those where I’m just a member I don’t have that level of control)