I can personally say it works, and not as bad as you would expect. I’m doing it with my small community (30 active users) and while it’s kind of slow, I’ve not heard any complaints and everything functions as intended.
You know what, I don’t plan to use 256 or 512 in production. However, the fact that to spin up and test using 512 for my personal use and test as a dev is even proclaimed as an abomination makes me sick!
But as it stands now, Discourse won’t let me even install by default, strictly saying I must have not less than 1 Gig RAM.
Of course, as indicated earlier in this thread, there’s a workaround, but at least the warning should offer a link to somewhere explaining how someone could still install with less specs, however declaring all the warnings.
Indeed. discourse-setup is designed to work for most people, and especially, people who do not know about system administration. If it allowed people to install on a 512GB machine then people would complain that it was too slow or they were out of memory.