Installation on 512MB

I want to try discourse for my training forum.

Dont know how much users will come, but 1000 approx i am thinking as of now.

I checked digital ocean, 512mb,

What are the steps i have to follow.

Even for a test forum, 512mb is not recommended. You need at least 1gb.

If You need a cheap test, you can try the first VPS SSD on OVH, the disk space is small but for a test it could be ok.

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I bought 1gb but its not installing

Without sufficient swap space, your site may not work properly, and future
upgrades of Discourse may not complete successfully.

I think you can bootstrap the forum and add a lighter swap. I did 9 months with a 1gb swap (on a 1gb droplet) without any major issue

Just follow the installer, the swap is created automatically.