Discourse ships with a couple of categories and topics, but they usually are in English. No matter what language your forum is using. That is going to change.
Up until now configuring DISCOURSE_DEFAULT_LOCALE
in app.yml
was the only way to change that. And you had to do it before bootstrapping the container.
Changing the default language in the wizard will automatically translate all seeded categories and topics as long as you didn’t already edit them manually.
Manual update
You can find a new “Replace Text…” button in the “Admin > Customize > Text Content” section (/admin/customize/site_texts
). Clicking on it brings up a dialog where you can select the content you’d like to update.
The dialog shows you only the categories and topics it could find. Some might be missing if you manually deleted any of them or when your forum was created a long time ago, because we didn’t keep track of “Welcome topics” in the past.
Clicking “Replace” will update the selected content with the latest translations for the current default locale
. It will create new revisions for updated posts, so you will be able to see the diff and revert changes in the post’s revision history.
Rake task
The old rake task for updating some topics (FAQ, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy) has been replaced by a new one:
./launcher enter app
rake i18n:reseed[locale]
It updates all seeded categories and topics without checking if you manually edited them or not. So be careful!
There are currently no translations for the “Admin Quick Start Guide”, but I’m planning to make it translatable in the near future. Stay tuned.
And here’s the commit in case you are interested: https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/3fd04df781f1cb736228e3212ef79ab2ee20326e