Google Font doesn't work

I tried changing it to the image above, and even changed it to a different font, but it didn’t work.

It seems to work okay for the Preview -

Did you add the font you want to both settings?

(or the other specific settings for each you want a different font for)

Yes, but doesn’t work.

Hmmm :thinking: I just installed this component on my test forum and it is working as expected - I tried with the same Inter font you did, as well as a number of others. Are you sure it is assigned to a theme that you are viewing? have you tried previewing right from the component? (there is a preview button at the bottom of the component configuration page).

Yes, but doesn’t work. If i use this component. All Posted font is change Inter right?

hmmm :thinking: The component and that font seem to work for me. I have these settings:

and this result, which is definitely the Google Inter font.

And just to make sure, in case the Inter font isn’t obvious, if I use another one like Tiny5, I get this:

Thanks, I will try it again

It doesn’t work on my forum. :sob:

Ah, I think I may have found the problem. It seems that if any of the languages are not supported by the font, the whole thing doesn’t work.

Using the Google Fonts component will change the overall font size of the existing discourse webpage. What are the typical font sizes and weights used in existing discourse web pages?