Group assignments are stored by group name. How to handle group renaming?

We assign some threads to groups, and then the groups (theoretically) assign the threads to individuals for handling.

We’ve created a report to show time (duration) to reassignment

report to show time to reassignment
-- goal: find time from assignment to group 
--    to topic closure / unassignment / re-assignment to sub-team or individual
--    For posts that haven't been reassigned, the clock is still running, 
--      so use current timestamp in the date diff
-- NOTE that this report omits still-pending assignments made before the start of the date range

-- [params]
-- date :start_date = 2023-01-01


-- find group assignment posts in the date range
group_assignment AS (
    SELECT p.topic_id
        , p.created_at as assign_date
        , pcf.value as group_name
        , post_number
    FROM posts p
    JOIN post_custom_fields pcf on pcf.post_id = 
    WHERE p.action_code in ('assigned_group', 'reassigned_group')
        AND p.created_at >= :start_date AND p.created_at < :start_date::date + INTERVAL '90 day'
    ORDER BY topic_id

-- find post number of lowest "assignment change" post after group assignment
assignment_change_post_number AS (
    SELECT min(p.post_number) as post_number
        , p.topic_id
        , ga.post_number as initial_assignment -- pass forward for use in later join
    FROM posts p
    JOIN group_assignment ga ON ga.topic_id = p.topic_id AND ga.post_number < p.post_number
    WHERE p.action_code in ('reassigned_group', 'reassigned', 'unassigned', 'unassigned_group'
                            , 'assigned' -- probably this one won't show up, here, but to be safe...
                            , 'closed.enabled','autoclosed.enabled')  -- probably redundant with unassign*...
    GROUP BY p.topic_id, ga.post_number

-- look up change date for post number
assignment_change_date AS (
    SELECT p.created_at as change_date
        , p.topic_id 
        , acpn.initial_assignment -- pass forward for use in later join
    FROM posts p
    JOIN assignment_change_post_number acpn on p.topic_id=acpn.topic_id and p.post_number=acpn.post_number

-- do date math between assignment & assignment change
date_math AS (
    SELECT ga.group_name
        -- for posts still assigned to group, use current timestamp as "reassignment date" 
        , extract(epoch from (coalesce(acd.change_date, NOW()) - ga.assign_date)/86400) as days
    FROM group_assignment ga
    LEFT JOIN assignment_change_date acd on acd.topic_id = ga.topic_id 
        AND ga.post_number=acd.initial_assignment

SELECT group_name as "Team"
    , count(*) as "Assignments"
    , round(avg(days)::numeric,2) as "Avg days to reassignment"
    , round(max(days)::numeric,2) as "Max"
    , round(min(days)::numeric,5) as "Min"
FROM date_math
GROUP BY group_name
ORDER BY "Avg days to reassignment" desc

This worked well until groups started renaming themselves (for … reasons.)

Because thread assignment records store group names - at the time of the assignment - rather than group IDs, we now have multiple rows in the report for some groups (depending on whether the report timespan includes records from both before and after the rename).

I would like to both consolidate the multiples and future-proof this report (so just hard-coding the synonym sets won’t do it).

Is there a record somewhere of old group names / renamings? Or… something else?

Does it? The original table assignment table have only IDs, not names. Maybe it’s a collateral of your DE report using a CTE based on name?


@Falco IIRC the assignment table holds current state. If I want historical data (and I do) I need to look at post_custom_fields to get the assignment value of previous assignment states

  SELECT p.topic_id
        , p.created_at as assign_date
        , pcf.value as group_name
        , post_number
    FROM posts p
    JOIN post_custom_fields pcf on pcf.post_id = 
    WHERE p.action_code in ('assigned_group', 'reassigned_group')
        AND p.created_at >= :start_date AND p.created_at < :start_date::date + INTERVAL '90 day'
    ORDER BY topic_id

Or am I looking in the wrong place?

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Ohhh I see now, you need to track the all the historical assignment status changes! This is indeed a hard problem, and we had a customer commission a way to tackle this problem properly a year ago, so I wrote an entire spec for it:

This is almost a two part job.

First we need to store assignment state transitions into a table (new assign, assign changed (assignee or status change), assign destroy).

Then we need to use that information to power a new view that is a dashboard with graphs and tables.

New Settings

  • enable assign reports
    • type: bool
    • default: false

New UI

This will be a new page, either under /admin/dashboard/assignments if that is extensible or under /admin/plugins/assign.

There users can view graphs and export data about assignments, filtering by time period, user/groups and status.

Persisting state transition of assignments

The assignments table do store old assignments already, but we will need to also track Assignment Status, so I’m not sure if we should extend that or just come up with a simpler table dedicated to historical assignment states. I’d be tempted to go the later route so we don’t bloat the table that is actually joined on our hot serializers.

Effort estimation

2.5 to 3 weeks for full work with UI
1 week for just the new table

Unfortunately the customer did de-prioritize this work before we could get to it, but this would solve your needs.

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Short of underwriting a month of custom develoment, is there a way I can look up previous group names? :sweat_smile:

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I think they’re in the group_histories table, if that helps?


Thanks @JammyDodger! I had looked at that table, but concluded it was about membership based on the action codes
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You made me look again & I find that action=1 and subject='name' is what I’m looking for. Thanks!


Updated report for anyone interested. The modification is the addition of the group_aliases query (and its use):

-- goal: find time from assignment to group 
--    to topic closure / unassignment / re-assignment to sub-team or individual
--    For posts that haven't been reassigned, the clock is still running, 
--      so use current timestamp in the date diff
-- NOTE that this report omits still-pending assignments made before the start of the date range

-- [params]
-- date :start_date = 2023-01-01


group_aliases AS (
    SELECT group_id,
            -- turn columns into rows
            UNNEST (array[prev_value, new_value]) AS "alias"
        FROM group_histories 
        WHERE action = 1 AND subject='name'
    SELECT id as group_id
            , name
        FROM groups
-- find group assignment posts in the date range
group_assignment AS (
    SELECT p.topic_id
        , p.created_at as assign_date
        , ga.group_id as group_id
        , post_number
    FROM posts p
    JOIN post_custom_fields pcf on pcf.post_id = 
    JOIN group_aliases ga on pcf.value = ga.alias
    WHERE p.action_code in ('assigned_group', 'reassigned_group')
        AND p.created_at >= :start_date AND p.created_at < :start_date::date + INTERVAL '90 day'
    ORDER BY topic_id

-- find post number of lowest "assignment change" post after group assignment
assignment_change_post_number AS (
    SELECT min(p.post_number) as post_number
        , p.topic_id
        , ga.post_number as initial_assignment -- pass forward for use in later join
    FROM posts p
    JOIN group_assignment ga ON ga.topic_id = p.topic_id AND ga.post_number < p.post_number
    WHERE p.action_code in ('reassigned_group', 'reassigned', 'unassigned', 'unassigned_group'
                            , 'assigned' -- probably this one won't show up, here, but to be safe...
                            , 'closed.enabled','autoclosed.enabled')  -- probably redundant with unassign*...
    GROUP BY p.topic_id, ga.post_number

-- look up change date for post number
assignment_change_date AS (
    SELECT p.created_at as change_date
        , p.topic_id 
        , acpn.initial_assignment -- pass forward for use in later join
    FROM posts p
    JOIN assignment_change_post_number acpn on p.topic_id=acpn.topic_id and p.post_number=acpn.post_number

-- do date math between assignment & assignment change
date_math AS (
    SELECT ga.group_id as group_id
        -- for posts still assigned to group, use current timestamp as "reassignment date" 
        , extract(epoch from (coalesce(acd.change_date, NOW()) - ga.assign_date)/86400) as days
    FROM group_assignment ga
    LEFT JOIN assignment_change_date acd on acd.topic_id = ga.topic_id 
        AND ga.post_number=acd.initial_assignment

SELECT date_math.group_id
    , count(*) as "Assignments"
    , round(avg(days)::numeric,2) as "Avg days to reassignment"
    , round(max(days)::numeric,2) as "Max"
    , round(min(days)::numeric,5) as "Min"
FROM date_math
GROUP BY group_id
ORDER BY "Avg days to reassignment" desc

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