I am trying to connect the “Tecnoblog Comunidade” to the Discourse app on Android 14, but when I click the button to connect the community within the Discourse app, an error screen appears, and I don’t know how to fix it.
Error: “{“errors”:[“param is missing or the value is empty: public_key”]}”
Is there any solution on the way? It would be great to use it in the Discourse app, and it seems like it’s only happening with this community, @supermathie@sam
It’s best to get in touch with the administrators of “Tecnoblog Comunidade” - the problem is likely with their Cloudflare setup. Feel free to direct them to Using Discourse with Cloudflare: Best Practices.
If they can temporarily disable Cloudflare and successfully add the site to Hub with it off, that’ll confirm the theory.
Closing since the problem here needs to be fixed by the admins of Tecnoblog Comunidade. Looks like something in their setup is stripping parameters from requests.