Hide topics from a user if the topic has not reply


I would like to hide all the topics from a certain user that have no replies? How could I do this?

We are using discourse at https://www.fllcasts.com (site). You can check out the live version at https://discourse.fllcasts.com.

When a user visits a page at the site a comment section is showed below. We are embedding discourse below the pages. If a topic for this url does not exist a new topic is created at https://discourse.fllcasts.com.

Problem is that we have a lot of new pages with empty comments(yet) and they are all showed on the front page of discourse.

I would like to hide all the topics from a certain user that have no replies? How could I do this?

There is a “hide from front page” category setting that I think will do almost what you want.


There is. Suppress this category from the homepage.

But is there “Suppress this category from the homepage if it is created by this user and it has no replies”.

Only the blank once created automatically should be suppressed in our case

There is not. I think the solution might be a plugin that moved those topics to a different category when the first reply is posted.

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This could be dealt with by using Discourse webhooks and the API to unlist topics when they are first published, and then list the topics when they get a reply. This type of approach makes sense for Discourse sites where people can access topics from an external site.

The Discourse WordPress plugin has an option that works in a similar way to this.