Hide topics with certain tag from guests (or/and from certain groups)

Hi! Can I use not only category but tags too for what to define the rights to view topics?

I have public categories dedicated to a certain topic, but I want some topics from the same category to be visible only to users from a certain group. Its possible?

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I’m not sure about tags, but I think tag groups can be limited.

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You could create a subcategory to restrict access to those topics.

While a topic can only belong to one category, it can have multiple tags. What if the user was allowed to see topics tagged with one but not those tagged with the other? This would make the access rights very complicated and confusing.

To hide topics, muting the tag by default could be sufficient. However, this approach has a limitation: those topics can still be discovered, for example, through search.


Isn’t this what the OP wants?

I don’t think it’s possible at the moment and it makes permissions a lot more complicated.

Do tags allow you to see a topic (similar to category settings), or do tags restrict visibility of a topic? If a user is allowed to see topics tagged with “tag1” but not “tag2”, and a topic is tagged with both, what should happen?
If a topic is tagged with multiple tags, each restricted to different groups, how can we maintain a clear overview of who is allowed to view the topic? Will users notice if others may not be able to see the topic, or will they quote from it without realizing the visibility restrictions? The lock icon next to the category gives a hint for categories.

Nonetheless there is a feature topic
Restrict topic access by topic tag - user group


Thanks for reply, but no… they can be limited to use(search, create or add tag to topic) and show badges with tag while displaing topics.

Ok. I understand. Thank you!

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