August 20, 2023, 1:23pm
Here are a variety of theme components that do homepage customizing things. If you can’t find what you are looking for, you can always fork the component and make your own. I have never see a latest members thing, but there is a who’s online plugin . The latest members are listed in the users link in your navigation menu.
In this howto we’ll add a topic list populated by a tag or a category on top of your homepage’s main topic list, like this:
All of the code below can be added to the </head> (head_tag.html) section of your theme.
This first part checks which page we’re on, then sets up our topics. For the purpose of this how-to we’re pulling topics tagged featured. If you want to pull topics from another tag or a category you need to change the /tags/featured.json url in here.
<script type="text/d…
When installed and added to the active theme, this theme component enables you to control the ‘homepage’, allowing it to be different from the set of pages Discourse allows by default, as well as having different groups have different “homepages” (e.g., group members care only or mostly about a particular category). This can be for all users, anon (non-logged in), mobile users, or according to a user’s primary group. Initially developed by @pfaffman . See User-specific Discourse home pag…
This is now a Theme Component but has the option to add a complementary plugin.
[GitHub-Mark-32px] Repository: get the code here :
Install guide: Install a theme or theme component
Install this theme component
This can be complemented with the ‘sidecar plugin’ :
to add the following features:
‘actions’ (bookmarking, linking and liking from Topic List)
Thumbnail P…
you may also be interested in some of the Banner components .
Also: Here are some resources for learning your own custom development