Plugin for featured content/topics at the top of the forum?

Hey, Everyone,

I am trying to make it easier to display cornerstone features content at the top of my communities. I wanted to see if something exists that does this.

Ideally, it would look something like this:

Essentially, at the top would be three highlighted topics with an image, title, and short description for each. When you click on the Read More button it would take you to that topic. Note: these would be topics, not simply links to a blog ideally.

In a perfect world you would be able to create a category or tag that the plugin would follow and simply show the three most recent topics in that category or tag.

Does anyone know if something like this (or similar exists)?

I think it would have a number of benefits:

  • Be able to channel community members towards critical topics (e.g. new releases, announcements, tutorials, community member spotlights etc.)
  • Facilitate additional discussion and responses around targeted topics (especially useful for community that suffer from off-topic discussion.)
  • Make it easier to integrate content into Discourse and highlight it (e.g. tutorials, howtos, guides, AMAs etc.)

Would love to see thoughts, recommendations, and feedback!

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This theme-component immediately came to my mind.

Edit: Wow, @MarcP beat me by a second. Well played… :smile:

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Haha, what a coincidence! When I’m here always looking to help where I can. :sunglasses:

One concern I have around this style of changes is that this line:

Tends to travel upwards 250 pixels when you click on nav items.

Are you looking to have this feature on every single nav page or just on home page?

Thanks, everyone, appreciate the recommendation for that component. Is this available on any of the Discourse hosting plans?

Ideally just the front page IMHO.

You can see this type of component in action here Ring Community , personally my take on this problem is that we should build a system for “home pages” that people can compose out of building blocks, but that is a mammoth effort.

In the mean time these type of components do work, but the traveling nav issue they introduce is not ideal.