How can discourse administrators turn off private messages
Check this:
But you will use setting personal message enabled groups
You can switch off these:
Or just allow certain people to message you.
It’s under Preferences → Users at bottom.
(Note, it might be nice if the second option allowed you to select groups too?)
After the administrator closes the private message: personal message enabled groups
Ordinary users cannot chat directly by clicking on someone else’s avatar.
I want the administrator to close the private message,
Ordinary users can also chat directly by clicking on someone else’s avatar.
管理员关闭私信后:personal message enabled groups
To prevent users from sending messages to the admin user, use the setting at {}/u/admin/preferences/users
, which merefield mentioned. Staff can always send messages to users, so test with a regular user account.
You can hide this with CSS.
Or, I think you could also remove this by increasing the minimum TL required for sending PMs (since there will be quite a few buttons you’ll need to hide).