How do you call these components?

I want to implement the similar components as Make community have.

Can you please tell me how these two are called?

Apologies if this is something obvious, as I’m quite new to the components and Discourse itself.

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That looks like quite a customised site. Off the top of my head, i don’t think these theme-component s are available here. Anyone feel free to correct me.

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@nolo might be able to help


Featured Lists night be worth a look.

And that’s who made it.


I didn’t do that landing page. I implemented their previous design, but it looked like this:

They did a re-design with an in-house team recently and I don’t know how they built the components you highlight. You can use your default browser inspector or the ember inspector to find out details. To me they don’t look like standardized components though, but rather hard-coded for their use-case.