How to backup Discourse when The backup has failed?

Yes, I know. You are doing the right thing and a good job.

Let’s try a different strategy.

Can you make a backup successfully without including the uploads?

If so, we can simply take(1) that backup and (2) a separate tar of the uploads directory and accomplish what you want.

So, please try to just do a backup without the uploads (the middle button below); by selecting that option in the backup window; and post back.

Screen Shot 2020-08-05 at 12.37.21 PM

If that fails, we will try to do the database backup manually from the command line :slight_smile: which is easy enough and will work, I’m fairly certain (we do this all the time and rarely restore from the UX).



Whatever you decide to do @pauln, please do not destroy your existing VPS running Debian 7.5 and Discourse until you have successfully installed another instance of Discourse (and restored and tested) on your new VPS.