It gets weirder. I just watched as a comment came in on a brand new post. The home page of our WP site immediately showed one comment on that post. So far, looking good. Then, clicking through to the post, the info at the top showed there being one comment.
I clicked the number of comments to scroll down to the appropriate spot on the page, but instead of saying “Join the discussion” it said “Start the discussion.” (We don’t actually display the comments, just a count of them and the link to our Discourse instance.) I figured a page refresh would fix it, but instead, when I refreshed the page, it was back to saying there were zero comments. And the home page now updated back to zero as well.
I looked at the discourse_topic_id and discourse_permalink and they are both correct. The other discourse fields don’t make much sense to me, though.
discourse_comments_count says ‘0’
This is what’s in discourse_comments_raw:
{"id":1399,"posts_count":2,"filtered_posts_count":0,"posts":[],"participants":[{"id":11,"username":"nathan","name":"Nathan ","avatar_template":"{size}/182_2.png"},{"id":103,"username":"Zak","name":"Zak","avatar_template":"{size}/652_2.png"}]}
Also, I can’t figure out what discourse_post_id is supposed to be, but just looking at the 4 digit number it contains, I would have expected it to be the WP post id, but it isn’t. What is it supposed to be?