How to Disable "Title seems unclear most of the words contain the same letter over and over?" message

I’m setting up a new Discourse for an existing community, so most new members are trustworthy. One new member wants to write a post named “Co-op proposals” and cannot do that because of the message in the title. Here is a screenshot

A version of Discourse is 2.6.7. How can I disable this check?

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Hi !
I’d try these parameters:


Huh that’s an interesting one, so the title is “co-op proposals”? Can we repro this @tshenry?


What settings did you tweak? That title should trigger an error because it is less than 15 characters.

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I just repro’d this on my site.



Yep, definitely can repro! The default value of title min entropy (unique characters required for topic titles) is 10. The title “Co-op proposals” only has 7 unique characters (8 if the - is counted).


Heh. That’s an interesting edge case. Not sure we should do anything, since the encouragement to add more words and be specific is still a good one.


Ha ! :sweat_smile: that’s why I wasn’t able to repro, I’ve tweaked min topic title length to 8

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:+1: So you have the perfect hack! :laughing:

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Ok, I understand this is an edge case, but I also think the error message seems a bit confusing. Maybe there should be a small text or a ? icon with a tooltip that says - “The forum is configured to prevent creation of posts with than X unique characters in the title. An admin can change this configuration in the forum settings.”

You can also lower the default setting for that or you can do both.


Include the “less” before “than X”. The first sentence should be sufficient as the message to a user - simple and short. The 2nd sentence is more noise than anything, not something a user would really need to see. Or even just “Topic titles require a minimum of X unique characters.” JMHO.
Edit: I think the word “unique” is the strong word.