How to hide notification buttons for selected categories?

Most of our upper categories are used for aggregation.
Nobody is allowed to post in these top categories.

Some users think that the notification settings for these categories automatically include the second-level categories, which is not the case.

We therefore want to hide the notification chooser.

We are looking for advice on how this can be accomplished.


I think it defenetly should include all sub-categories too. Even users need bulk operations, not only admins. But perhaps in such situations wording should be different. And because it looks like that users think same, it should not be breaked.

I must admit I was thought the notification of main category includes sub-categories, because by default it shows everything from sub-categories. But as an admin I’ve never tested it, though.

U would imagine you should be able to hide it via CSS when viewing that categor(y/ies)

Unfortunately, I did not manage to do this on my own.
I would love to see a working example.