How to move from /u/ page to /admin/users/ page

I’m fairly sure it used to be when looking at a topic, then a poster’s user card, then their user page, there was an “Admin” link to take you to the admin side of things.

Now I can’t find it and have to remember the username, go to Admin - Users and search for the username.

Is the option somewhere else now? Thanks.

Where do you miss the button? On desktop or mobile?
On desktop, it’s at the top next to the message button.

On mobile, it’s part of the horizontal scrollbar below. Sometimes it’s difficult to notice that you can scroll there.

If you still cannot find it, maybe try safe mode to check whether some customization is hiding it.


On mobile:

Because the icons which do appear fit the screen perfectly it never occurred to me that it is possible to slide them. I bet this will catch other people out too. Thanks.

It does. For example in the topic I quoted. There is also an open UX topic about the problem