How to remove discourse website

This CMS is a very good, but a lot of things modified. As difficult installation, modification, and so the addition of a plugin and etc.

I want uninstall my discourse website? Which command do I have to write for that?

Iā€™m not sure what you are asking? Are you looking to wipe the content of the forum?

rm -r /var/discourse

Will delete Discourse and all backups and everything. Iā€™m not clear why not just shut down the droplet, though.

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rm -r /var/discourse

site down.

500 Internal Server Error
If you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web applicationā€™s log file and/or the web serverā€™s log file to find out what went wrong.

I want remove delete discourse cms from my website. How delete docker and discourse?

Edit: I just checked, and if you installed Docker with the http://get.docker.comā€™s script and are running Ubuntu,

apt-get purge docker-engine

should remove docker. Youā€™ll probably need to reboot to make sure all docker processes get killed.


In short: whatever you did to get Discourse running, do the reverse of that.


If you want to completely remove discourse:

  1. List you local docker images from the host: docker images
  2. Find the discourse image. It should look something like
    REPOSITORY            TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    discourse/discourse   1.3.10              95332d4db04b        5 weeks ago         1.52GB
  3. Remove the image: docker image rm discourse/discourse:1.3.10. Remember to use the exact same name and version your docker output showed you.
  4. Remove the location you cloned the discourse. If you followed the installation instructions, it should be /var/discourse, so rm -r /var/discourse should do it.
  5. [optional]. If you donā€™t need docker anymore, remove it from your machine.

Very good commands. I too was wondering for them.

2 small things:
I received the msg "Unable to remove repository reference ā€œimage nameā€ (must force) container iccfa6e6d14b is using its referenced image 654a4f02e531.

  1. How can we stop the image from being used? If we turned off the droplet, then console wouldnā€™t work.

  2. Is docker a separate thing from underlying Ubuntu Server OS?


If you destroy the droplet then discourse is gone with it, so none of this matters, butā€¦

I think you need to do a

docker stop app


. /launcher stop app

Before you can remove the image


Thanks again.
But I wished if you could also answer my 2nd question, which I believe must almost be a single line answer.

Iā€™ve googled to know this answer for around 1 hour.
And Iā€™ve read this whole discussion on this topic on meta, here.

But I couldnā€™t understand.
I could repeat my dilemma:
Whether it is such that
There is Ubuntu OS, and then there is a normal docker installation in it/on it.
And in that docker installation there is Discourse docker running?
Or its simply Ubuntu Server OS and Discourse Docker installed/running in it?
Or it is not called ā€˜Discourse Dockerā€™ but something else?

P.S: I also tried to understand the same thru this long topic post. But it just fell short of telling my query (almost did, but just not).

Yes. You have Ubuntu as the OS, then Docker as an application installed in the OS, and Discourse running on top of Docker.

Docker creates the possibility to isolate applications in containers (letā€™s simplify it as a light weight Virtual Machine), where you can run multiple applications without messing up the OS


I removed the docker data container (and perhaps web_only also), but still, when I reinstall/recreate the data container the same admin/users (and settings) appear.

I wanted a clean slate to install discourse fresh. Do I DO need to uninstall docker for that? Or the remove full /var/discourse folder?
Isnā€™t there some one folder or place, which should hold its data and removal of which could remove all the discourse settings, users, admins, and posts?


rm - rf /var/discourse/shared

Then rebuild. Thatā€™s where the persistent volumes are kept by default.