Setup HubSpot chat Integration

Do you want to integrate a CSM on Discourse? Let’s see how to integrate the HubSpot chat on Discourse!

  1. create an account to HubSpot

  2. select Chat

  3. customize the interface and the availability as you wish

  4. Copy the code

  5. Create a new theme component and paste it in the Common - </body> tab. Add the new component to your main theme(s)

  6. Complete the Verification on Hubspot to activate the widget and go to your website

  7. On your website, open your browser Console with F12 and add the script URLs in the content security policy script src whitelist at /admin/site_settings/category/all_results?filter=content_security_policy_script_src

  8. Refresh the page (a couple of times) with F5 and you will see other URLs that you need to add in the allowlist


  9. Done :tada:


if you want to try HubSpot Forms, eg:

due to the nature of the code (Hubspot uses inline “style” attributes almost for everything) the only solution to make the script work is to put both 'unsafe-unline' and https: in the CSP allowlist (step 8).

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-05-28T12:59:26Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

Hi Daniella, I have tried this integration with three different chat providers and keep getting the same CSP after adding all the links I could find to security policy script src. This particular one is for Tidio, but the same thing happened with LiveChat and Pure Chat. Any ideas what may be happening here?

Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at eval (“script-src”). Source: (function injected(eventName, injectedIntoContentWindow)
  let checkRequest;

   * Frame context wrapper
   * For some edge-cases Chrome will not run content scripts inside of frames.
   * Website have started to abuse this fact to access unwrapped APIs via a
   * frame's contentWindow (#4586, 5207). Therefore until Chrome runs content
   * scripts consistently for all frames we must take care to (re)inject our
   * wrappers when the contentWindow is accessed.
  let injectedToString = Function.prototype.toString.bind(injected);
  let injectedFrames = new WeakSet();
  let injectedFramesAdd = WeakSet.prototype.add.bind(injectedFrames);
  let injectedFramesHas = WeakSet.prototype.has.bind(injectedFrames);

  function injectIntoContentWindow(contentWindow)
    if (contentWindow && !injectedFramesHas(contentWindow))
        contentWindow[eventName] = checkRequest;
          "(" + injectedToString() + ")('" + eventName + "', true);"
        delete contentWindow[eventName];
      catch (e) {}

  for (let element of [HTMLFrameElement, HTMLIFrameElement, HTMLObjectElement])
    let contentDocumentDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
      element.prototype, "contentDocument"
    let contentWindowDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
      element.prototype, "contentWindow"

    // Apparently in HTMLObjectElement.prototype.contentWindow does not exist
    // in older versions of Chrome such as 51.
    if (!contentWindowDesc)

    let getContentDocument =
    let getContentWindow =

    contentWindowDesc.get = function()
      let contentWindow = getContentWindow(this);
      return contentWindow;
    contentDocumentDesc.get = function()
      return getContentDocument(this);
    Object.defineProperty(element.prototype, "contentWindow",
    Object.defineProperty(element.prototype, "contentDocument",

   * RTCPeerConnection wrapper
   * The webRequest API in Chrome does not yet allow the blocking of
   * WebRTC connections.
   * See
  let RealCustomEvent = window.CustomEvent;

  // If we've been injected into a frame via contentWindow then we can simply
  // grab the copy of checkRequest left for us by the parent document. Otherwise
  // we need to set it up now, along with the event handling functions.
  if (injectedIntoContentWindow)
    checkRequest = window[eventName];
    let addEventListener = document.addEventListener.bind(document);
    let dispatchEvent = document.dispatchEvent.bind(document);
    let removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener.bind(document);
    checkRequest = (url, callback) =>
      let incomingEventName = eventName + "-" + url;

      function listener(event)
        removeEventListener(incomingEventName, listener);
      addEventListener(incomingEventName, listener);

      dispatchEvent(new RealCustomEvent(eventName, {detail: {url}}));

  // Only to be called before the page's code, not hardened.
  function copyProperties(src, dest, properties)
    for (let name of properties)
      if (, name))
        Object.defineProperty(dest, name,
                              Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(src, name));

  let RealRTCPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection ||

  // Firefox has the option (media.peerconnection.enabled) to disable WebRTC
  // in which case RealRTCPeerConnection is undefined.
  if (typeof RealRTCPeerConnection != "undefined")
    let closeRTCPeerConnection =
    let RealArray = Array;
    let RealString = String;
    let {create: createObject, defineProperty} = Object;

    let normalizeUrl = url =>
      if (typeof url != "undefined")
        return RealString(url);

    let safeCopyArray = (originalArray, transform) =>
      if (originalArray == null || typeof originalArray != "object")
        return originalArray;

      let safeArray = RealArray(originalArray.length);
      for (let i = 0; i < safeArray.length; i++)
        defineProperty(safeArray, i, {
          configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: false,
          value: transform(originalArray[i])
      defineProperty(safeArray, "length", {
        configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: false,
        value: safeArray.length
      return safeArray;

    // It would be much easier to use the .getConfiguration method to obtain
    // the normalized and safe configuration from the RTCPeerConnection
    // instance. Unfortunately its not implemented as of Chrome unstable 59.
    // See
    let protectConfiguration = configuration =>
      if (configuration == null || typeof configuration != "object")
        return configuration;

      let iceServers = safeCopyArray(
        iceServer =>
          let {url, urls} = iceServer;

          // RTCPeerConnection doesn't iterate through pseudo Arrays of urls.
          if (typeof urls != "undefined" && !(urls instanceof RealArray))
            urls = [urls];

          return createObject(iceServer, {
            url: {
              configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: false,
              value: normalizeUrl(url)
            urls: {
              configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: false,
              value: safeCopyArray(urls, normalizeUrl)

      return createObject(configuration, {
        iceServers: {
          configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: false,
          value: iceServers

    let checkUrl = (peerconnection, url) =>
      checkRequest(url, blocked =>
        if (blocked)
          // Calling .close() throws if already closed.
          catch (e) {}

    let checkConfiguration = (peerconnection, configuration) =>
      if (configuration && configuration.iceServers)
        for (let i = 0; i < configuration.iceServers.length; i++)
          let iceServer = configuration.iceServers[i];
          if (iceServer)
            if (iceServer.url)
              checkUrl(peerconnection, iceServer.url);

            if (iceServer.urls)
              for (let j = 0; j < iceServer.urls.length; j++)
                checkUrl(peerconnection, iceServer.urls[j]);

    // Chrome unstable (tested with 59) has already implemented
    // setConfiguration, so we need to wrap that if it exists too.
    if (RealRTCPeerConnection.prototype.setConfiguration)
      let realSetConfiguration =

      RealRTCPeerConnection.prototype.setConfiguration = function(configuration)
        configuration = protectConfiguration(configuration);

        // Call the real method first, so that validates the configuration for
        // us. Also we might as well since checkRequest is asynchronous anyway.
        realSetConfiguration(this, configuration);
        checkConfiguration(this, configuration);

    let WrappedRTCPeerConnection = function(...args)
      if (!(this instanceof WrappedRTCPeerConnection))
        return RealRTCPeerConnection();

      let configuration = protectConfiguration(args[0]);

      // Since the old webkitRTCPeerConnection constructor takes an optional
      // second argument we need to take care to pass that through. Necessary
      // for older versions of Chrome such as 51.
      let constraints = undefined;
      if (args.length > 1)
        constraints = args[1];

      let peerconnection = new RealRTCPeerConnection(configuration,
      checkConfiguration(peerconnection, configuration);
      return peerconnection;

    WrappedRTCPeerConnection.prototype = RealRTCPeerConnection.prototype;

    let boundWrappedRTCPeerConnection = WrappedRTCPeerConnection.bind();
    copyProperties(RealRTCPeerConnection, boundWrappedRTCPeerConnection,
                   ["generateCertificate", "name", "prototype"]);
    RealRTCPeerConnection.prototype.constructor = boundWrappedRTCPeerConnection;

    if ("RTCPeerConnection" in window)
      window.RTCPeerConnection = boundWrappedRTCPeerConnection;
    if ("webkitRTCPeerConnection" in window)
      window.webkitRTCPeerConnection = boundWrappedRTCPeerConnection;
})('abp-request-aic05wltexc', true);. 468b7929-46c3-4249-b516-189e58962157:27:22

Another CSP:

Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at inline (“script-src”). Source: try { if (typeof Navigator.prototype.sendBeacon === 'function') { Navigator.prototype.sendBeacon = function(url, data) { return true; }; } } catch (exception) { console.error(exception); }. script.js:517:22

And one more (the link here has been added fyi)

Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at (“script-src”). xgahvvrt0kwvb7p6crbxuolt4omnin1u.js:1:12450

Did you whitelist that specific URL? The error messages are usually clear about what URLs need to be whitelisted.

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Thanks Jeff, I was taking it too literally and and using the entire url of

It does work now. I am still getting the first CSP, if it’s working I assume it’s safe to ignore this?

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If you are getting CSP errors in your F12 console, you should add that domain from the error to the whitelist.

I was referring to the first one which doesn’t have a url, more of a warning about problems in Chrome with frame context wrapper, oddly this is in Firefox yet doesn’t show in Chrome, So I think I’ll just ignore it since it seems to be working fine. I appreciate your help :+1:

I’ve never tried this particular chat

I tested LiveChat yesterday and it works without error


Hello everyone,

Thanks for the great guide! I followed the guide to add a feedback survey but hubspot keeps changing the analytics link (js.hs-analytics/), so I keep needing to add new links to the whitelist.

The only solution which I found to consistently work is to disable the policy all together, but it doesn’t seem too secure.

Any ideas?

I’m looking your site right now but I can’t find the survey code you entered in Customize > Themes

Edit: It should be fixed now, I enabled the CSP again. Let me know if you have problems

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Hey @Dax ,

Thanks! Can you please tell me how you fixed it and what was the issue?

Edit: I see that you added a wildcard, awesome! I think it would be best to add a comment under that box, so that we know that wildcards are an option as well! I thought about such a solution, but silly me didn’t try it out.


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