I can't block moderators or leader position members?

I am in a forum, with a moderator/leader who has a ego like easily shattering glass and very bad attitude towards my constructive criticism. Let’s call him DD, his initials. Now I want to block DD, as far as I know what it does that you don’t see their posts. I don’t know if it’s the same other way around.
And I can’t do that? I understand he is a leader, but I just want to not see his posts, shouldn’t be there a hide posts option for as a alternative to blocking mods atleast.
Couldn’t just the mod be the odd one out in some cases? Maybe the mod is just wrong,but he has full power so nothing stops him.

For the interested one’s:- Basically I told him why did you delete all these posts of valid questions that may help many other users, he just flagged all our post as off-topic and deleted them. I said him, why don’t you use the feature of merging posts into a new topic, his response, deleting my post, ain’t very much of good mod is it :slightly_smiling_face:
Well that is something off topic to mention here, but I was just too frustrated not having the ability to block him.

(okay that’s called the ignored feature now, I don’t know but from what I remember wasn’t it just called block?)


See https://meta.discourse.org/my/preferences/users and add him to the mute list.


If they are just (TL4) leader you can so what Jay suggested above. But if they are a moderator then you can’t mute ignore staff.


You can mute staff in your preferences.
But you cannot ignore them, so it’s not possible to hide their posts


Thanks didn’t think of that before, usually I just go to the account and ignore… If it is still possible to mute, why isnt there just a option directly in the account?

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@Ar_D There is. You can go to their profile and click on the ‘Normal’ dropdown (below their bio) to change it to ‘Muted’ or ‘Ignored’.


Well not directly in discourse. I had a member who inquired back when discourse didn’t have a mute/ignore feature. He created a tamper monkey script that added the option. Now to add users you had to edit the script. He had other bling as well as it would decorate the Op, Admin/Mod & special groups. It would hide the post with a drop down option to open.

He was asked if you could block a mod. To which he said yes. But didn’t recommend it as a mod may post useful information.

The old script is broken now as it was made over 7 years ago now.

Sorry for being late, just forgot to check here…
So I did use the preferences thing, because I obviously couldn’t block the mod directly. It’s limited to direct messages and notifications. Direct message one simply doesn’t work, he can still PM me, we’ll I don’t get any notification so that’s good.

What ignore does is hide the posts, which is not possible for to do on mods. Basically that is what I really want, I can deal with notifications, but not PM and constantly seeing his replies and posts.
Muting really doesn’t work as a solution.


Have you considered directly messaging another mod adding a site admin if you’re having an issue with a particular mod?


For a second I thought you were the guy whom I wanted to block :skull: and was in a heart attack , you share the same first name with him…

Coming to the issue, I simply can’t because the other admin is the family member of the leader. I simply can’t due to that. There’s no way to report him to someone else.

I have seen a suggestion of seperate modes for a leader in this same forum, like reddit, I would like to promote it here so it gains more attention to be implemented. It is a great help.

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Yes, the admin “owns” the forum, so they are pretty much the final authority on a forum.

Could you elaborate on what you mean here?


Well fairly common first name. :wink:

I agree you need to add more context. Discourse does have a few leadership type roles. If you mean blocking? You can block anyone on Reddit; however if you are in the blocked user’s sub. The block does not apply within the sub if said blocked user is a mod.


Two separate modes, One as a normal user and one as a mod. The normal user could be blocked, but the mod mode will be not, so they can still serve mod purposes in case if needed.
Now obviously if the mod is with ill intent, he would just use the mod mode to disturb in the pm, but they wouldn’t post everytime using the mod mode.

Reddit has that, you are not normally shown as mod in your sub while posting, but can opt to do that. I have seen that in many subs.
Now idk if it has the same functionality of blocking the normal user mode I am suggesting for, but that as a addition is good feature.

I hope this gives more detail.


Reddit block does not apply in the Sub regardless if you distinguish yourself as mod or not. I am a mod of r/pimax and have had a couple of users block me. I can reply to them, I just can’t give them awards unless there was a change recently.

As a mod on Reddit within the sub I even see deleted messages and removals without activating distinguish mode.

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Indeed, I know many guys who are mods, that’s why I was skeptical if what I am asking exists. I must say the features I am asking for don’t exist in reddit, but there is still a distinguish mode. A similar distinguish mode with extra features would be good on discourse.

I did mention that I don’t exactly know about this because I am not a mod at any forum.

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While it doesn’t add powers. Discourse does have a mod/staff highlight option on posts/comments called “Add Staff Color”

An issue with being able to block a mod would be a post/comment that isn’t flagged but should be moderated could go unnoticed and could be problematic as a result.

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