I’m looking for advice on embedding a Discourse forum directly into my website

I want to integrate a Discourse forum to facilitate community discussions without users leaving my site.
I’m unsure of the best way to embed the forum and maintain a seamless user experience.
my website URL is here.

May not be the best way to do things, but is using an iframe an option? It is still on the main page, after all.
If not, maybe this landing page plugin will help?


The general approach is to host your forum on a subdomain and style it to match your main site, including nav. Then users can click back and forward reasonably seamlessly. If people need to authenticate for anything on your main site, ideally you’ll want to set up SSO as well.


People don’t notice urls. There isn’t much advantage to keeping them “on your site” if the “other site” makes it seamless to navigate between your sites.

That said, I worked with someone who ran discourse in an iframe and was pleased with the result (though I’m not sure if it was a long term solution).

But either way, you’ll need to set discourse up on a subdomain and work out sso (though maybe your site doesn’t allow logins, so you might not need sso).