I want to send a group message to all members of my forum, but I can't

I want to send a group message to all members of my forum, but I can’t.

I have confirmed the email function, and it should be possible to send mass emails to everyone if the sending is set based on groups. The email recipient field also prompts for selecting users and groups. However, when I actually try to do it, I encounter an error message. Here is a picture of the error message. The group I selected is “trust_level_0”.

Appreciate the error message! There can be two problems here, either

  1. one of your trust_level_0 users doesn’t have an email, or
  2. sending private messages is not allowed for the receiving user

Are you able to find out?

Does it mean that if one person cannot be sent to, then no one can be sent to?

Yes that’s right.

It’s quite an edge case you have, I cannot reproduce the issue. Technically speaking every user needs to have an email.

In fact, I am unable to send group emails regardless of my trust level, whether it’s trust_level_0, trust_level_1, trust_level_2, trust_level_3, or trust_level_4. Among them, trust_level_4 has no members. Trust_level_3 only includes me and one administrator, totaling two people.
Now I’m very frustrated. I can’t send mass emails. Of course, I’ve adopted another method, which is to export a table of all users, copy everyone’s IDs, and then import them into the email recipient field.
But doing it this way means everyone can see that many people are receiving the email. I don’t want anyone to be able to see other recipients. This is because my users are Japanese. They are very superstitious about this. Even if the ID they used was randomly chosen.

Hmm. Just to be sure, are you a site admin?

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You can put their addresses into the BCC field in your email program instead of To/CC. Then they won’t be able to see each other.

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yes its my site

Gotta ask, is sending PMs to trust_level_0 enabled in the group settings?


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thank you very much.
just this

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