Mail users with Trust level 2

Is it possible to send an email or Private message to all forum members with trust level 2 and above?

You should be able to use the groups @trust_level_2, @trust_level_3, and @trust_level_4.

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That easy?! Nice…


Edit: tried it, but does not work… @trust_level_4 does work in a thread like this (it auto-completes), but not if I write it in a message To: field.

I can’t send a PM to all @moderators either - only by flagging.
Mentioning @moderators or trust levels doesn’t notify everybody/anybody in that group.

Might there be something wrong with my installation?

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Take a look at your settings for those groups. Make sure they’re set to allow messages.


There is also a site setting for the max number of people in a group to email.


That did the trick. Thank you!

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