On the 24th of October the unauthenticated oEmbed API from Facebook and Instagram will stop working. They will require authentication to fetch oEmbed objects.
Are there any consequences for Onebox? I couldn’t find any changes in the GitHub repo regarding this yet.
If you’re running an up-to-date Discourse instance you should now be able to add a token that will allow oneboxes to be generated using the new API.
I’ve not yet written up step-by-step instructions on how to generate the token, but if you are comfortable in Facebook’s developer site you can go through the ‘Requirements’ listed here:
to generate a token. That token can then be entered as the value for the facebook_app_access_token SiteSetting.
And finally combine in a your App ID numbers and the token and ad a pipe | character in between: 12324323|asdasdasdasd ← That is what you need put to the Discourse setting.