One of our users has reported that the on-screen iPad keyboard obscures the chat window in Discourse, making it very challenging for her to use the chat functionality on an iPad. Thought I would flag it here in case it’s something that can be improved upon. Thanks.
Do you have a screenshot or any other information that could help us troubleshoot? iOS version could help too.
I do see a regression with the overlay version of the chat and the keyboard… is this the same issue?
In the meantime it may help to use fullscreen chat (there’s an expand button), which seems to avoid this issue
Below please find a screenshot, which is similar to the one you posted. She is using iPadOS 16.3.1 and Safari as the browser. Hope this helps!
This is helpful, thanks! we’ll look into it
Ah I just had to refresh my memory on this… It’s difficult to reliably reposition an element above the virtual keyboard when it’s opened, so we plan on disabling the “drawer” mode of chat on iPad and will force full-screen mode, but we haven’t gotten to it yet.