Is there a reason why the forum won't connect?-The issue has been resolved

My forum is suddenly not connecting since this morning. After a ping query, my domain is still active. What exactly is causing my forum not to be connected for use?
Updated November 16, 2023
The issue has been resolved.
after several checks, the cause of the forum not being linked was found and resolved successfully.
The problem we encountered this time is that port 587 is occupied and the container cannot start.
Temporary solution:
1, use the command to view the process occupying port 587:
netstat -tunlp | grep 587
2, use the command to kill the occupied port number process:
kill -9 xxx
3. Restart the docker container:
cd /var/discourse
docker restart app

This sounds like a misconfiguration. Did you make any changes recently?
This might help:

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We first TOP checked the computer time and booted up for over 60 days without a power outage.
Then we check apache, there are processes, systemctl stop httpd stopped apache prompted to find the page.

We start apache again
Then check docker, there are processes, systemctl restart docker restarted

This last one is the docker restart still doesn’t work error

Finally, on the local machine, using localhost without a domain name, it still gives the error
curl 'http://localhost/cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi

This is a Discourse forum? And you’ve somehow installed it behind cPanel?

Is the docker container running? What do you get from

docker ps


docker inspect app

If this is a standard install, then someone changed the DNS for your site. Another thing that I’ve had happen with things like cPanel, is I tried to disable cPanel and did a standard install, but then every now and then some process would run and restart the cPanel-like thing, so I’d have to figure out how to stop Apache and restart the docker container.


Confirmed to be discorse forum.
Confirmation now is that there just doesn’t seem to be a dns setting.
Was the dns removed? Or was there no dns setting from the beginning?

Now the server provider reply is "
We tried to log into your VPS and viewed that there is no website data on this host, please contact your site builder to confirm if there has been any operation to remove the site or if Wangzhan is stored on another server."

But my friend never did anything more after finishing the installation for me. We also don’t make changes to systems we are unfamiliar with as long as they are working properly.
It was strange to test today and find no dns. What should I do to set the dns?
Is the reason I can’t connect to the site this time because the dns isn’t set?

You’ll need to ask your friend what they did. It’s impossible to tell how they installed our what the issue might be.

How is your DNS set up?

That would depend on who provides DNS for your domain. Different service providers have their own way of doing it. There’s nothing unusual about DNS for Discourse. You just need to point the hostname you want to use to the server IP address you’ve installed Discourse on.

Thanks for the reply. I’ve actually been running my forum safely for two months. Just yesterday it suddenly failed to link. Then after checking, I realized that there was no DNS information. This is very strange.

You should continue your discussion in the other topic. Is there a reason why the forum won’t connect?

The issue isn’t dns on your server, but dns pointing to your server.

I suspect they the issue is that it’s not a standard install and something that you don’t know about is broken. You need to get help from whoever set up your server.


I’ve merged them together. :+1:


Our site is now inaccessible Check tips via discourse-doctor:

==================== SERIOUS PROBLEM!!! ====================
app not running!
Attempting to rebuild

Then after auto-repair, check the process output via less /tmp/discourse-debug.txt
There are 3 parts of /error

The first one
createdb: error: database creation failed: ERROR: database “discourse” already exists

It should be the old database, it really shouldn’t be deleted for me, important data are in there.

Second and third

I, [2023-11-04T03:53:39.934636 #1] INFO – : > cd /var/www/discourse && bash -c “touch -a /shared/log/rails/{production,production_errors. unicorn.stdout,unicorn.stderr,sidekiq}.log”
I, [2023-11-04T03:53:39.944929 #1] INFO – :.
I, [2023-11-04T03:53:39.945388 #1] INFO – : > cd /var/www/discourse && bash -c “ln -s /shared/log/rails/{production,production_errors,unicorn. stdout,unicorn.stderr,sidekiq}.log /var/www/discourse/log”

You need to see whether the issue is that toy need to turn off the existing Apache server or if it’s running as a reverse proxy. Maybe you just need to disable apache.

What do you see in the ports section of the app.yml?

You need to ask the friend who set it up.

I strongly suggest you take a database backup and copy it somewhere safe - copy it to a different machine, or download it to your PC.

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Where can the logs be viewed?

Updated November 16, 2023
The issue has been resolved.
after several checks, the cause of the forum not being linked was found and resolved successfully.
The problem we encountered this time is that port 587 is occupied and the container cannot start.
Temporary solution:
1, use the command to view the process occupying port 587:
netstat -tunlp | grep 587
2, use the command to kill the occupied port number process:
kill -9 xxx
3. Restart the docker container:
cd /var/discourse
docker restart app