JIRA Service Desk integration?

The question was already asked once, but not answered. Maybe this time someone knows about it.

In my vision we have a partner / customer forum which may not be necessarily publicly available. Within this closed community I thought about letting customers create a JIRA Service Desk ticket right out of a forum discussion. Anything like that possible or planned?

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This is pretty much the same as your SalesForce question. If you can get Discourse to use the same SSO master, you should be fine.

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Attached my Salesforce question: https://meta.discourse.org/t/salesforce-integration-in-closed-community/72763/2

Well then I’ll see first if I understand it for Salesforce and I will see how far I can go then for JIRA Service Desk if it basically based on the same principle.

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As I just discussed the same in a different forum I thought I give you some further insight about my idea:

I am looking for a solution that also allows to directly create a support ticket out of a forum discussion. The community should try to help themselves, however if necessary they should be able to directly trigger a support case out of the discussion.

A ticket should be created and the support staff be notified about that (which is already business of the ticketing software). However, he/she should be able to quickly jump to the link of the discussion as well.

I assume this is a bi-directional integration and I am interested specifically if something like that exists for JIRA Service Desk or Zendesk Support?

The state of this in 2022:

There are Zapier integrations using Discourse webhooks:

https://zapier.com/apps/discourse/integrations/jira and

And there is also a Zendesk plugin.


Also, Discourse itself has great new features since 2017 for this, such as the ability to assign topics to staff directly, staff whispers, notification reminders, etc. so you can get pretty far without having to start tickets in jira or some other external tool.

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