Mention noise / central dashboard

I dunno, quoting isn’t strictly replying as well.

I wonder if this should just be deferred to advanced search. I worry about having too many options on the user page.

Hmmm… “quote reply” seems to suggest otherwise, in my opinion. And it’s added to the “N Replies” dropdown.

Hm, just noticing that this box apparently sanctions @name mentions as a reply method?

It could be we are using them not as they were intended to be used, but we use them to “ping” other members. Kind of like a “Hey _____, can you come here please” when they haven’t posted in a topic.


Isn’t that what mentions are primarily for? To mention someone specifically whether they are a part of the conversation yet or not? You are wanting to draw their attention, get special notice from that person, etc. That is what makes them entirely different from a quote/reply.


Is this still in the works? Quite a few icons in the newer versions that admins can’t yet access for badges, etc. :slight_smile:

not going to happen for 1.2 but will try to work on this today once we are done with shipping 1.2