Moderation Account Notifications

For flags can I set a certain account for moderation notifications and then another account for everything else


I’m confused. What is :arrow_down_small:

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When the @discobot sends notifications to your inbox, for moderation stuff like flags, silences, etc I want that to be sent by a different account

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In that case, are you looking for this site setting? site contact username

Setting Description: A valid staff username to send all automated messages from. If left blank the default System account will be used


I want Moderation Based notifications to be sent from a different account then the site contact username

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Might require a plugin unfortuantely :(.

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Use site contact username, this will allow system notifications to be sent by another user

@discobot is not the default system account, it is rather called @system , but here, the notification account is configured to be codinghorror

I don’t mean discobot in specific, i meant the system account.

As far as I understand, that setting controls ALL notifications. They wish to separate just the moderation ones off into their own account from the rest of the system notifications, which is not currently possible as far as I know.

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that’s exactly what i want to do.

May I ask why you need it? Doesn’t seem worth the trouble compared to trying to come up with a username that handles all notifications.

Wondering if it was possible really.

Not out of the box no, I was looking at the source code on Github to see what determines that, but I can’t completely focus on such a feature currently.

Seems like this could be a good feature for the sake of having a more urgent notification system for if people are flagging something for moderation that might need a more immediate response from staff, as opposed to other notifications that might be safe to ignore for a few days.

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I mean, if you get a message from system or your designated notifications account (since you can change it as discussed above), why would you ignore it?

Don’t get me wrong, I can see why you’d want to have a secondary username for just moderation notices instead of ALL notices but I don’t think they happen fast enough that it becomes an issue.

Though, I could be wrong, we are still working on our migration in-house to migrate our 30 million+ messages board active with thousands of users, once that’s done, I’ll be able to have a large dataset that I can view and control at any time and see how fast or common notifications happen or what my moderators find annoying.

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Not a good idea to ignore notifications I agree, was just guessing at why J.C. had requested this feature what would be a reason for that.

Thinking about loudness of a notification, those can be annoying when there are a lot of them and someone is focused on something else, but alarm bell with flashing lights can be good for emergency situation.

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Should I recategorise this to be a feature request, @Jennifer_Carter since this feature is yet to be implemented?

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I would like for it to be recategorized as as a feature request but not just a separate one for moderation notices, but every type of notice, perhaps split into three. System (Backups, Promotions, etc). Moderation and anything users may receive that is less vital. Give communites that want it, the aesthetic and organizational option of having different automated accounts at once under site contacts for different use cases.

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Thanks :)!

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