Onslaught of notifications

We have a bot in our community and I woke up to over 300 notifcations. I’ve repeatedly muted my notifications from this account. I can’t mute the user because it’s an Admin.


I’m not sure if it relates to this post :point_up: or not, but would love some guidance with this. This admin bot was created by a former colleague so I’m not sure how to customize it.

Thanks in advance :pray:


Thanks for the report @jess.burnham. We’ve got an idea what is happening (unrelated to the topic you linked to) and are working on a possible fix.


@jess.burnham we just commited a fix that should resolve the notification onslaught. You’ll receive the next time we update your site, generally within a week.


Awesome! Thanks so much for looking into that @jomaxro :awthanks:

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Hey again @jess.burnham. We’ve got the update rolling out to your site now. Should be live in the next 15 minutes or so.

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