Moving topics with votes to non-voting category doesn't release votes

It appears that when a topic with votes is moved to another category, where voting is not enabled, the votes are not being returned to the owners. Is this a bug or an intended behaviour?

Additionally, there are edge cases where closing a topic doesn’t automatically return the votes to the user.

thank you for your time!


I’ve just tested this on my local development site and can confirm that votes are not being returned to the user when a topic is moved to a category that does not allow for votes. This doesn’t seem ideal to me, but I’m not sure if it’s the intended behaviour or not. The only alternative I can think of is that if a topic is moved to a category that does not allow voting, all votes should be removed from the topic. There would be potential issues with this approach as well.

If you know of any specific ways of reproducing the edge cases, let us know. I can look into this some more next week.


I’m also needing to release votes after moving a topic to a non-voting category. As it is, moving a topic with votes to a non-voting category risks destroying the voting system imo because the larger a database the more difficult/tedious it would be for moderators to manually ensure users don’t “lose” voting power. If 10 votes were allowed, and two topics I voted on got moved to a non-voting category without releasing their votes, I’d lose 20% of my global voting power.

Like what issues?

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The first one that came to mind was that if a topic was mistakenly recategorized (say by a TL3 user) all votes would be lost when it was put back to the correct category.

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I think best practice for now would be:

  • Make sure to close a topic before moving it to a category without the plugin.

This is still a bug. Any chance it can be fixed?

I’ve also tried:

  • Moving the topic back to the voting category
  • Closing the topic
  • Moving it to the correct non-voting category
  • Reopening it

And the vote still seems to be there.

Hey @Luke_Cousins,

We’ve fixed some edge cases a couple of months ago, it’s possible that we’re still missing some scenario but it would be very helpful to have reproducible steps to validate the issue.

Are you seeing it in every moved topic? Or in any particular scenario you can share?

Thank you!

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The topic that I noticed this on was created and moved on 17th April. Could it have been fixed since then? We install updated regularly, so rarely more than a week or so behind tests-passed.

We are still seeing this issue on the currently latest version. Are there any plans to implement this?

I’ve just tried for a repro on my test site, and I couldn’t manage one. Moving a topic from a voting category to a non-voting category gave my test user their vote back.

Just to check I’m doing it right:

  • Enable topic voting in a category
  • Use test user to vote on a topic
  • As admin, recatgorise the topic to a non-voting category
  • As test user, vote on another topic and see how many votes you have left in the info in the pop up
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Sorry you are right, it appears that just the old votes of topics that were moved before the fix are not released. Sorry for the false report.

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