Multiple Polls, misleading unique name error

Can anyone help me guide, where should I insert this code?



When I add more than one poll to a post using the “build poll” option, the poll name is added as the first item in the brackets.

[poll name=poll2 type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]

So I’d try adding name=NAME right at the beginning after poll

But I think the <code> should not appear is the popup. It is confusing because you don’t have to add them and there are aditional backticks around it. So maybe this topic could be moved to ux


You’re right; it’s misleading. I’ve moved to ux :+1:

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Okay, that worked, Thank you! :heart:

I’ve added a fix here, and clarified the text a little:

Thanks @evens_tailors.0d & @Moin!


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