Need forum search results to display most recent posts by default as opposed to oldest

What would you like done? Need someone to code our forum so the search results display newest content first as opposed to oldest content. Please see the image I attached…

For example, when I type the word gold into our search bar, top results are from 2020. It would benefit our members more if the results returned in chronological order from newest to oldest.

When do you need it done? ASAP

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task? $100

Ordering can be also be done ad hoc by specifying order:latest / l or order:oldest.

You might also look at search prefer recent posts to see if that gives you the behaviour you want.


Hey @supermathie would you be able to implement this for us? I have zero coding skills. The goal here is to code this so I do not have to educate my users on how to use advanced search features.

Try setting that site setting. No coding required.

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My JS skills are limited and I’m busy with backend work. :rofl:

That said, I suspect this could be a pretty simple theme component if someone were to take it on. It could modify the search bar to add ordering buttons right at time of search and not require any backend changes.

That puts the functionality you need front and centre for your users at time of search without requiring backend search changes or Yet Another Site Setting.


Thanks for pointing that out. It looks like I had it already turned on. Doesn’t look like it affects the search results,

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This post in another topic sums it up well:

Personally I always change it to “Latest post” and search a second time, usually not even looking at the first “Relevance” search results.


I might be able to help with this. Let me see if I can make a simple theme component. :smile:


@Arkshine came through! He built a component that was incredibly easy to install that does exactly what I was hoping for! Thank you!!!


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