New categories: buggy for anonymous visitors [fixed itself after 20 minutes]

v1.5.0.beta12 +74 hosted on Ubuntu droplet.

See the “Calendar Formats” & “Brand New Default” category listed on my site, but clicking it yields an error: “Error while trying to load Something went wrong.”

If you log in, then it shows fine. Any idea? Security setting is “everyone can… Create / Reply / See”.

Also, these two categories don’t show up in the dropdown. So, they’re different somehow…


Hi dillchuk welcome to the forum

Did you edit the “about this” posts for those topics?

And now it’s working :blush:. Some caching at play perhaps?

When I create a new category, I get this issue again: new category shows (only) in right-side Categories link (to the right of Latest, Top).

Clicking ‘Brand New Again’ yields:

Same error even if using a different browser & session. This new category is not shown in the drop-down:

…then shows up about 20 minutes later.

Can you repro this @techapj?

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Yes, I can repro this issue on try. Looking into it now.


Fixed via: