New user unable to send a message to discobot

Our solution had previously been to provide new users with a link to start Discobot by sending it a PM.

This is our customized welcome message (system_messages.welcome_user.text_body_template)

Thanks for accepting your invitation to %{site_name} -- welcome!

**Now that you're here, choose one of these popular first steps to take next.**

- [Add a profile picture](
- [Introduce yourself to our community](
- Post a conversation starter in the [public square category](

You can also learn how to use our website features by starting an [interactive tutorial](,%20I'm%20ready%20to%20start%20my%20new%20user%20tutorial!&body=Directions:%20Just%20click%20the%20blue%20`Message`%20button%20below%20to%20tell%20@hubbot%20start%20tutorial) or reading the [new user guide](

**Enjoy!** :grinning:

Replace @hubbot with @discobot.

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