Newbie trying to understand Pageviews

Hi, I’m just getting started on the 14-day free trial, and trying to understand which plan I will need. I have two questions:

  1. Just me, creating my site for the first time, and flipping around the various Admin settings, I’ve already run up 250 page views. I got curious and clicked on two different pages, then clicked back to Admin, and it was up by 15 more page views. And I’m the only User! How are these page views calculated?

  2. What happens if I run out of page views in mid-month? Is the site frozen in some way?

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Here are some docs about page views: Understanding pageviews and the site traffic report

We find that most sites stay well within their limits until they hit some level of popularity.

If you consistently exceed your limits, we will work with you to find a more appropriate plan, and you also will always have the option to take your data with you and host your site yourself or elsewhere if what we offer on our hosting does not meet your needs.


My only experience with this was during Covid times (otherwise I self-host). I created a site hosted by Discourse quickly in order to create some specific Covid related forum.

For some reason I managed to create a click-bait topic. I think we had about 10.000 users looking at it at the same time.

I thought this was a problem so I approached Discourse team immediately to ask what that would mean. Their answer was

“Don’t worry, we can manage, let’s see how it goes…”

So I doubt you get a freeze mid-month… Discourse is all about communication, all the way, down to the last team member. If you would run into a problem, something went terribly wrong.


Hi everyone; thank you for taking the time to reply.

Yes, my old site was WordPress, and it had a link to an open-source Simple Machines chat forum, via which - no matter how much security we put on - served as a back door to my website. The only fix was to shut down that Simple Machines site altogether.

My site is built on Squarespace now, and I’m trying to understand my options, regarding whether to host my chat forum on Discourse or on that.

My question regarding pageviews was raised because I’ve currently got about 3500 followers on FB, and if even only half of them come over to the new Discourse forum, I could easily imagine more than 100k pageviews just from the first day(s).