What happens when the monthly page views runs out on a forum?

Hello. I am wondering what happens when the monthly page views runs out on a forum. Does the forum shut down? I am wondering since it is about to run out.


Based on past experience, your forum will not be shut down. Maybe someone who is currently a member of the Discourse team can reach out to you with details about how they handle the case where a plan’s allowed monthly page views are exceeded.


The forum is on a free trial, and another admin is the owner of the forum. No payment method was set yet. This is the information about this forum at the moment.


This link can give a possible idea. But you would be best to check with the hosting service as @simon mentioned. Link below describes Salesforce procedures.

Here is a screenshot with search term I used. Alternatively your hosting service may have a help topic as well.


I dont think your site would get less optimised from whats said on the pricing page.

It sounds like you would only be contacted after serval months and it will work like normal.

Your site will never stop working! We understand your site can get a lot of visitors quickly for any number of reasons, and success is something to celebrate! If your site exceeds plan limits for several months in a row, we will contact you to discuss flexible upgrade options.


I think when you’re on a free trial that information is really useful to help you decide what plan you would need if/when you do start a subscription with us. Using that as an indicator of how many pageviews you expect can help you get a good idea of what capacity you would need, and budget accordingly.

As Ethan said, if a site is already established and has started to consistently go over its pageview limits we would work with them to figure out what options are available. :+1:


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