Notice: testing Discourse Reactions here on meta for 1 week!

Would going to admin > customise then going to the theme colours and changing the love colour to yellow work?


I can test that certainly, but, aren’t there other areas that may be affected by that?

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Not that I am aware of. Should just make the like colour yellow like this



Thank you, I now have yellow beer but am uncertain why my icon is missing,

completely blank theme

no heart


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Great work on this Plugin @Ahmed_Gagan! I think Reactions should be a core feature of Discourse and that anyone who uses Discourse should be forced to start using this on their instance.

How’s that for some tongue in cheek?! Let’s see some sad faces ‘n’ thumbs-down here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Ultimately it’s a bit too much effort to decide “oh gee exactly how do I feel about this post, let me think for a bit”, so as a general purpose one-size-fits-all thing, I believe reactions is a poor fit – it’s more of a specialized tool for some communities and perhaps smaller communities. I could certainly see it getting use in communities where they want upvote (thumbs up) :+1: and downvote (thumbs down) :-1:. Now they can! Install reactions, and make those the only two available options on each post.

In contrast, “my heart goes out to you” is a fantastic general purpose solution. Love is indeed, as they say, universal. And you can always remap the heart to some other icon, if you prefer. Here’s a great example I just saw! I’ve met Tim (once), and I pressed :heart: on this post. Now, does any rational human being looking at that :heart: reaction count actually think that all those people meant “yes, I like that you got hurt, Tim!” :cry:

Obviously, no. It means “my heart goes out to you”. This is not a difficult thing to understand, not even a little, and anyone who tells you it is… is trying to sell you something :wink:


No, you sended love his way using :heart:


Maybe it should be optional if implemented (just in case some people don’t want to use it). That would make it much more accessible rather than having to install a plugin.



^^ count and icon seem not to be vertically centered correctly anymore. Is this because of the plugin?


@Ahmed_Gagan can you propose a solution for a replacement icon

When heart is set it shows



But when beer is selected


there’s none


or was this addressed and I read over it?

If I leave heart


and change the color for beer its still a bit odd when hovering a yellow heart



I’ll try to repro the error


I reproduced it,
The reason of this behavior is when user likes the post it shows a filled icon and when user haven’t added any reaction to post it shows outline icon.
But for the beer icon outline icon is not available, due to that it doesn’t renders any icon when user has not liked the post.

We are figuring out a solution for this.

Notice :warning:

In the site setting discourse reactions like icon Do not add any icon which is not available for an outline version / Filled version both should be available (mostly recommended move back to default setting until we come with a solution)


I have faith in you!


So… it’s been a week, or so… what’s the verdict from the test? (FWIW, I personally still :heart: it!)


I like it and I’m sure there are some in my forum that would like - and use - it as well.


I like the simplicity of just having the :heart: like button.
No headaches.
If a topic needs more feedback (+1/-1/etc.), we can use a poll.


@codinghorror a week has long passed. We have plenty left to do on the plugin but all the basics are working.

Shall we go ahead and remove from meta. I am just not sure I want it here. At a minimum I cut out some of the negative reactions which I feel can be a bit dangerous on a public community.

My call is just to remove for now, thoughts?


Give it 1 more bonus week, let’s remove it at the end of Australia week… sound good? Reactions will be removed from meta, USA Thursday, Australia Friday?


Sure sounds fine to me, setting a reminder.


I did not know this at all^^ and only tried holding it down after reading this post. I had seen reactions around Meta but had no idea how to add one myself.

On Discord, there is this icon (smiley emoji with a plus :heavy_plus_sign: ) under messages with existing reactions:

Similarly on Slack too

I wonder if there might be room for an icon like that here in the table view (appearing only if there are any emojis from the emoji reaction set, that haven’t been added as reactions yet)


(Though I guess unlike on Slack and Discord, i just noticed that it seems that one can’t tap the icons in the table view to add the same reaction )

(Not sure how to handle the case of introducing how to add a new reaction on a post that doesn’t have existing reactions, though.)

And I don’t use Facebook or Messenger, by the way, so I did not know this:

On mobile Discord, the “tap and hold” is also used to open the action menu for messages, so it was a bit more discoverable for me there: