On one Droplet (Digital ocean) make Discourse, Moodle (edu), DAO (Aragon) work together

I plan to have sub-domains (“edu” and “dao”) and install on them: 1. Moodle for education of our Discourse users purpose 2. DAO directing to Aragon for funding, tokens creation and governance, transparency of our community.
Installed Discourse with standard installation.
And have some questions:

  • Is it managed by Nginx?
  • do we use Docker? (Can I have 3 containers for Discourse/Moodle/DAO) for them not to influence each other but still communicate as I need to have SSO (Oath2 from Google), LMS for profiles to be interconnected)
  • what ports does Discourse use for connections?
  • is there any MySQL or other already running on Discourse? Should I have separate MySQL for different instances? Or it all can be managed by one?
    I created a 1 month learning plan for me to get better in Digital ocean droplets, Ubuntu, Nginx, ports, SSL, SSO (Oath2 from Google), Docker, LMS, DAO…
    … but wonder if anyone already walked this path of uniting such 3 topics in one solution in core of which is Discourse?
    Thank You for any suggestions and for explaining on how this architecture can look like!
    Maybe some step-by-step guides or tips?
    Thank You!

Check out Set up Discourse on a server with existing Apache sites.

If you’re going all-in on docker, you might try Use Nginx Proxy Manager to manage multiple sites with Discourse

Discourse does not use mysql. It uses postgres.